Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"My Kia, My Summer: Tailgating Traditions"


This post is sponsored by Kia.

My mister and I have a Saturday morning tradition, which started last summer, involving a visit to the local farmer's market for coffee and incredibly spicy sausages.

It all started after our favourite farmer's market fare began to be less and less tasty, and we discovered a new delicious breakfast food -- locally made sausages from a quirky vendor. So yummy, and maybe you wouldn't think that's a great idea for breakfast, especially when paired with coffee, but we LOVE it, and now it's become a Saturday morning tradition for the entire season.

Our tradition also involves us tailgating in the back of our Kia Soul.

Sometimes we bring a picnic blanket, but most weekends we sit together in the back hatch, munching away and chatting about our plans for the rest of the weekend. Sometimes my daughter is with us, and she climbs right into the back and sits cross-legged with her snack.

Last summer we even folded all the seats down and watch iPad movies outside at night. It was like a little mini campout in the driveway!

When my partner first bought the Soul I pretty much fell in love with it. It's such a different looking car, and if I were in the market for a new car myself, I really think I'd get one too. (Are matching cars too much??)

The Soul is adorable, roomy, and fun

We've taken a lot of summertime road trips in this car, and have never once felt like we didn't have enough room for everything we needed. We also moved earlier this week and, excluding big furniture, we could fit everything into the back with the seats folded down.

I'm definitely looking forward to next weekend, for more morning tailgating... and later this month, another camping trip! We put our Kia to the test, and she's never let us down. (Time to inform my partner I just called his car a girl. But I don't think he'll mind.)

Hope you're enjoying your summer, friends! Time for one more GPO me eating a sausage. Peace!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Source: So Fawned (Blog)

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